Issabel contact center

Communicate, Connect, Convert

An all-inclusive multichannel communication solution, combining voice, text, and social media on a single easy-to-use platform.

Issabel Contact Center

In the digital age, effective communication with customers is not just a competitive advantage—it’s a necessity. Issabel Contact Center emerges from this premise, evolving beyond conventional customer service solutions to offer a robust, multichannel platform that transforms how businesses interact with their audience.

Unlike the Call Center Community version, Issabel Contact Center is a comprehensive solution designed to enrich Issabel implementations, incorporating a wide range of contact channels such as telephony, SMS, Web Chat, WhatsApp, Telegram, Facebook Messenger, and Instagram.

With Issabel Contact Center, your business can connect with customers wherever they are, offering a consistent and personalized user experience while simultaneously optimizing internal workflows to ensure quick and effective responses to each interaction.


This solution not only facilitates omnichannel interaction with your customers through voice, text messages, and the most popular social networks, but it also centralizes the management of these communications in an intuitive and easy-to-use interface.

Manage your interactions from a single agent console.

Dive into the future of contact communications with Issabel Contact Center and redefine what it means to be connected.

Key Features of Issabel Contact Center

Transform your contact center with Issabel Contact Center, a comprehensive solution that takes your communications to the next level. Here are some of the standout features that Issabel Contact Center has to offer:
Advanced Omnichannel Capabilities

Diversified Channels:
Provide unparalleled service through telephony, SMS, web chat, WhatsApp, Telegram, Facebook Messenger, and Instagram. Ensure an omnipresent presence, being where your customers need you.

Intuitive Agent Console

Centralized Service:
A single platform for your agents to manage all interactions, from calls to social media messages, enhancing both customer and agent satisfaction and efficiency.

Flexible Campaign Management

Inbound and Outbound Campaigns:
Easily set up inbound and outbound calling campaigns using advanced tools like progressive and preview dialing to optimize productivity.

Powerful Integrations

Connection with Social Networks and Chatbots:
Expand your reach with native integrations for WhatsApp, Telegram, Facebook Messenger, and Instagram. Implement intelligent chatbots for automated 24/7 customer service.

Supervision Tools

Real-Time Monitoring:
Supervisors can create and configure campaigns, monitor agent activity, and access advanced features such as call whispering or barge-in to ensure service quality.

Artificial Intelligence and Data Analytics

OpenAI and Voice Analytics:
Leverage integration with OpenAI to deliver intelligent and personalized responses. Voice analytics and detailed reports provide valuable insights for informed decision-making.

Security and Reliability

Call Recording and Statistical Reporting:
Ensure quality and compliance with call recording and access detailed reports to evaluate call center performance and continuously improve.

Smart Automation for Scalability

Automated Interaction with Chatbots:
Automatically answer recurring questions and intelligently route inquiries to agents, enhancing your customer's experience.

With Issabel Contact Center, you are not only adopting an advanced communications solution, but you are also choosing a path towards operational excellence and customer satisfaction. Discover how our leading technology can transform your contact center and take your customer service to new heights.


Discover the Unique Benefits of Issabel Contact Center

At the heart of every business decision is the desire for tangible results and significant improvements. Issabel Contact Center not only transforms the way you communicate with your customers, but also offers a series of benefits that can revolutionize your business. Below, we explore how our solution can make a difference:

Enhancing Customer Experience

Omnichannel Communication: Your customers expect to be able to contact you through their preferred channel, whether it be voice, SMS, social media, or web chat. Issabel Contact Center removes the barriers between you and your customers, facilitating smooth and consistent interactions across all channels.

Operational Efficiency

Centralized Service: With a unified agent console, your teams can handle multiple types of interactions from a single place. This not only reduces response times but also enhances agent satisfaction and operational efficiency.

Flexibility and Scalability

Adaptable to Any Size: From small businesses to large corporations, Issabel Contact Center adjusts to the needs of your business, allowing you to efficiently scale your operations as you grow.

Continuous Improvement through Insights

Advanced Reporting and Data Analysis: With unprecedented access to data and metrics, you can better analyze and understand your customers' behavior and needs, as well as your team's performance, enabling you to make data-driven decisions for continuous improvement.

Innovation and Competitiveness

Cutting-edge Integrations: By staying at the forefront of technology with integrations such as OpenAI, chatbots, and voice analytics, Issabel Contact Center positions your company ahead in innovation, enhancing your competitiveness in the market.

Security and Compliance

Trust and Compliance: With robust call recording and regulatory compliance features, you can ensure information security and maintain your customers' trust, both essential pillars in today's digital world.

Issabel Contact Center is more than just a communications solution; it is a strategic ally that empowers your business to meet the challenges of tomorrow, today. Experience digital transformation and take your contact center to new heights of success with Issabel Contact Center.


Maximize Potential with Powerful Integrations

Issabel Contact Center is designed to be the core of your communications ecosystem, offering seamless integrations with a wide range of platforms and tools. These integrations not only extend your communication capabilities but also enrich interactions with your customers and automate processes to increase efficiency. Explore how our key integrations can transform your contact center.

Social and Instant Messaging Connections

WhatsApp, Telegram, Facebook Messenger, and Instagram: Communicate with your customers through the most popular messaging and social media platforms. These integrations allow you to manage messages directly from the agent console, providing a unified and efficient customer experience.

Integrated Chat and Webcall

Immediate Web Interactions: Leverage web chat and Webcall functionalities to provide visitors to your website with a direct communication channel to your team, enhancing conversion and customer satisfaction.

Artificial Intelligence Automation

ChatGPT and OpenAI Assistants: Harness the power of artificial intelligence to automate responses, generate intelligent chatbots, and create voice assistants that enhance self-service and manage frequent inquiries, all while maintaining a natural and fluid interaction.

Voice and Data Analytics Tools

Voice Synthesis and Data Analysis: Enhance the quality of interactions and gain valuable insights through integration with voice synthesis engines and advanced analytical tools, allowing you to customize the customer experience and optimize your communication strategies.

Expansion and Scalability

APIs and Webhooks: Facilitate integration with your existing systems and third-party applications through robust APIs and webhooks, allowing for limitless expansion and customization of your contact center.

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